Saturday, October 16, 2010

One more week of Peds...

Some things I've learned whilst doing my pediatrics rotation:
  • You can never write too many notes.
  • There's always something you will forget to do or ask on history.
  • The kids *are* cute, but don't go sticking the otoscope in their ears at the beginning of the exam.
  • ++social issues
  • It's spelled "paediatrics" in New Brunswick.
  • Lectures via teleconference are of variable usefulness. We like the mute button though.
  • You will sleep at least a bit while on call.
  • You get used to taking first call quickly. Just call the staff.
  • Residents enjoy giving advice.
  • Late night grilled cheese (on whole wheat of course) is the best part of call shifts.
  • Clinics are sometimes interesting, but the floor is always better.
  • Nurses make excellent conversationalists day and night.
  • Handover is the most important part of the day... especially when you're handing over to yourself, or would be if you weren't post-call.
  • The "post-call" day can still keep you at the hospital til 5. That's afternoon teaching for you.
  • Code White announcements occur with alarming frequency. You will have come close to calling one.
  • The parents range from wonderful and congenial to... not so much. They are stressed and worried, though.
  • Normal babies spit up a lot.
  • A baby is always better heard crying than not.
  • Taking initiative is encouraged and welcome but may not be noticed.
  • There are lots of constipated kids out there.
  • Call room beds are extremely uncomfortable.
  • Scrubs are extremely comfortable. And wearing them all day makes up for having no effective post-call day.
  • NICU is a weird place. Especially since many of the babies don't have names chosen.
  • The staff are nice. So is Journal Club.
  • You may technically work as much as 100 hours one or two weeks of a six week rotation. Usually not nearly that bad.
  • An online system which includes orders and vitals is sublime. It will be missed.
  • Lastly, you will never want for homemade baked goods, candy, chocolates, or popcorn while working on the floor.
  • Oh, and boil water orders are annoying.